SAJIDA Foundation is national development organization that has extensive experience of working with the low income group in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh. Since its inception in 1993 SAJIDA has extended its program to offer a wide range of services that meets the needs of the community people and has positively transformed the quality of their lives. Currently SAJIDA Foundation is involved with Health Program, Micro Insurance, Malaria Control Program, Microfinance, Tuberculosis control Program, working with pavement dwellers and other social development programs, targeting the extreme poor. SAJIDA Health program covers about 2.7 million people in greater Dhaka, Chittagong, Narayangonj, Gazipur, Sunamgonj and Jamalpur districts. A total of 221 people are working in the health program of whom 70% staff is female with 34 specialist doctors, 22 medical officers, 4 sonologists, 12 technologists, 58 paramedics and a field team of 70 health workers, service promoters and supervisors. Existing infrastructure includes two hospitals (one 100 bed hospital in keranigonj and a 70 bed hospital in Narayangonj) and mobile eye teams to cover remote areas.
SAJIDA Foundation joined the Global Fund supported TB Control Program as a sub-recipient (SR) NGO and began implementing the project in Narayangonj City Corporation area. Since August 2010. SAJIDA is responsible for implementing the PPM strongly with private practitioners, Private hospitals/Clinics, non graduate PPs, factory workers etc.
A total of 5 Staff have been recruited and deployed as per the program implementation plan. Project staff includes Project Coordinator, one Communication Officer, one accountant and two field officers. The main objective of the program is to establish mechanisms of collaboration between National Tuberculosis Program and Public-Private sectors.
Educating and involving these practitioners in the TB Control Program can significantly address tuberculosis through early detection and referral.
- SAJIDA has enlisted and developed strong network with 255 graduate private practitioners in the working area and conducted two workshops in which 49 graduate Private Practitioners took part. In addition SAJIDA enlisted 710 non graduate private practitioners and conducted 9 orientation workshops in which 223 non-graduate PPs participated.
- During the last 12 months SAJIDA also enlisted and developed linkage with 38 small private hospitals and clinics in the working area so that they keep us informed about emergency cases. 2 workshops were conducted with them in which 39 hospital and clinic staff attended the meeting.
- To achieve our goal of raising awareness about TB we have enlisted 325 factories and conducted orientation workshop in 17 factories with 863 factory workers. We have arranged 16 popular theater and folk song performances in different locations of the city corporation area. In addition we are working with 19 NGOs involved with TB and HIV.
- Last year 266 suspected cases were referred using our referral slip of which 75 were diagnosed as Tuberculosis. Among the TB positive, 35 were smear positive, 14 were smear negative and 26 ware extra pulmonary TB cases. Of the 75 cases 2 were children.